Saturday 14 January 2023

Saturday 14 January 2023 – Valencia

More blue skies when we arose, a little later than usual, but again it took a little while for the temperature to rise. Not a lot planned for today so once the few chores were out of the way the chairs were once again positioned in the sun and we took our ease, interrupted occasionally by Jamie who still couldn't work out where his garden to run around in had gone.

As sort of expected Spain came out once again for the weekend and apart from the areas where work is still ongoing on new roadways the touring area is pretty full. The main car-park is full also but we still cannot work out where everybody is – after lunch we went for a stroll around but most everything was still shut down; puzzling.

Never mind, nothing to do with us so yet more lounging in the sun (sorry all you at home in the UK, we get the weather reports but....) and chatting with the neighbours. Jamie shouts at all the passing dogs but seems to have made his peace with the big German Shepherd across the way.

A gorgeous sunset tonight – I'll have a go at including it - 


There you go – hundreds of geese - edit, they were flamingos - had just taken off from the adjoining lagoon as well.


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