Friday 3 February 2023

Friday 3 February 2023 – El Puerto etc etc

Basically repeat Thursday.

Except we found out today that all the “new”paperwork paraphernalia for taking dogs to Morocco turned out not to be needed – we still don't have any official confirmation or otherwise but the couple that raised the issue to start with had to return to Spain early and nobody, but nobody was the least bit interested in the paperwork or even the dog, much as we expected.

We know it wasn't just this “lack” of paperwork that caused us to cancel Morocco but can't help thinking if it hadn't arisen we may well have made a different decision.

It left a bad taste in the mouth and upset us for the rest of the day and we even considered just packing everything up and returning home. However common sense prevailed and we decided to do or say nothing more, at least until we'd slept on it.


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