Saturday, 4 February 2023

Saturday 4 February 2023 – El Puerto de Santa Maria

A new day, bright sunshine and a good nights sleep puts a new perspective on things – yes we got over our little tantrum of yesterday and started thinking positively again. We did try to start the day a little earlier as we've been so laid back it's been lunchtime before we get round to doing anything and we did manage to improve by about, ermm, half an hour.

We needed a little exercise so thought we'd take a walk into the old town, or at least as far as we felt comfortable with. So with Jamie pulling at his lead, thinking we were going to the beach, we dumped the recycling, got a map from Reception then walked along the front down to the river, meaning to follow it into town past the marina and ferry terminal.

But for some reason a whole section of the road and footpath had been closed off, the signs appearing to mention something about a new fire station. We couldn't see why access was totally closed but had to backtrack and find a way around.

In the end we realised that we were perhaps being a little ambitious in our plans so turned up a street that looked to circle us around and approach the campsite from the north side. As it happened we came across the Mercadona supermarket but decided to leave our shopping requirements for now and continued our walk back to the campsite. Bren had noticed basic grocery stuff in reception earlier, the on-site shop being closed for the winter season, so got some bread and milk. As the campsite is so busy one would have thought it was worthwhile opening the shop, a small branch of the Eroski chain, but obviously they feel there's not enough business.

So back to the van for a cold drink and some lunch. We had a little chat, checked the weather forecast and decided we'll book another week here as we had no other plans and everything we need is available. The rest of the day was thus much as before, sitting in the sun and doing hobby things. Bren is suffering a little from insect bites, the little perishers always seem to head straight for her so the anti-histamine cream and tablets have come out.

Late on a newly arrived Brit stopped by for a chat and to pick our brains, mainly about Scandinavia but we also interested him in Morocco although we don't think his wife would be so enthusiastic!

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